Wednesday, April 27, 2011


having anxiety and panic disorder makes me feel like an addict.  

its a monkey on my back that creates more harm than good
after a panic attack i get a tremendous high and sometimes when i feel anxiety i let a panic attack happen just to feel the relief of that high, even for a few minutes.  its like im floating

when i have a panic attack  after a long while i feel like ive fallen off the wagon, its a relapse.
we work on relapse prevention alot in group

like AA
share our darkest times,
our darkest thoughts
and when it got the worst
it triggers the past
we fire
release our thoughts
it triggers something within
it hits that point you swore youd never touch
where you never wanted to visit
where you locked away and wouldnt admit it existed
it touched that place
and your body shook
it touched it and shook it and crushed it and broke it and 
it leaked out
and you cried
and i listened
and i cried
and we swore never to let it hurt again
we felt alone
we felt darkness
we felt lost in the dark
we didnt reach for a hand
we just felt lost together
that was enough
it was there, he was there, we were there

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