Saturday, April 23, 2011

better days

so i got this holter moniter yesterday to track the skipped beats and other weird stuff i was feeling in my chest.  even though my panic is sever and i really think im having a heart attack at the time, i dont think there is anything structurally wrong with my heart... or at least i want to believe that.  i think im just overly sensitive to everything i feel in my body.  but either way my new doctor wants to be really thorough to make sure no one was overlooking a really problem.  after all, she was the doctor that discovered my mom had cancer - she was the first doctor in 4 months to read my moms entire chart.  so if she wants to give me a monitor just in case, im ok with it.   problem is, now it brings more attention to my heart and its activity.  bleh  .. and the people who gave it to me said i have to wear it for 30 days!! so long.. but hopefully ill just get used to it really fast and not even know its there!    the only thing that bugs me is i have a sticker up on my collar bone and everytime i move my head or arm it pulls on the sticker just a lil so i just feel it all the time.  i wish i could just rip it off!

and on a happier note, im feeling happier! hehe ive been looking up lots of crafts and seeing friends, even with panic attacks here and there and ive just been feeling waaaay better which is super exciting.

my new favorite website is   More Design Please

its the perfect combo of art, crafts, food and decor.. alll things i loooooovee!  so check it out!
hopefully ill try one of the craft things soon

oh and rememeber that colorful egg garland i posted a few days ago?  ive been slowly making it and hopefully will finish it and hang it up today.. wohooo!


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