Saturday, April 23, 2011

Peeps Forever

OMG best idea EVER!!!!!!

Peep S'mores!
  i cant wait to try them

Here are other peep creations to inspire you:

Peep Art, from Carroll County Arts Council

 :  omg this is really for real

Sweet Jesus

( Courtesy of the Carroll Community Arts Council )

Justin Peeper

Green Peeps?  ahahahaha

Jersey Peeps

the "Peeples"

Chick Magnet

and lastly one of my creations:
i made this for my dad a few years ago.. its the vietnam vet colors... 
what other creation can you make?

and one last image that i was super obsessed with in high school... i dunno i thought it was really funny

Happy Easter!    hmm i have to investigate

...time passing....

and upon investigation this site totally sucks.. dont go to it

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