Friday, February 4, 2011

Fun Music

So yesterday i kept my promise and took tons of pictures!

It was crazy, i got to see a friend from elementary school that i hadnt seen or talked to in literally 10 years!  Thanks to fb, i saw a feed that he had released an album, which is rad i might add.  And last night he was playing at a neighboring college coffee house so i got to see a free show!!  If you want to check out his music and show dates go here:  Andrew Figueroa Chiang and the Blazing Rays of the Sun.

It was so crazy to see him and i even recognized his brother in the band as his guitarist!!!
Here are some photos of the show and tea time!

Playing at the Motely Coffee House on Scripps campus.

Mmmm.. Decaf English breakfast tea with milk and waaayy too much honey

Oh yea and some fun pictures:  
I was driving next to this pimped out van and i really wanted to take a picture of it .. it was red sparkly with flames all over.. i swear it was straight out of pimp my ride.  But the photos didnt turn out so well cause i was at a stop light (is that illegal?)  but i thought they were still funny

My road mascot Lamby

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