Tuesday, February 22, 2011

YayyYYyyY! (cant you tell im happy because of the varying sizes of Ys?)

Important news:  According to Tablespoon.com it is National Margarita Day

umm .. awesome!!!!  make sure you have one today


also, I went to the doctors today and guess what? the lump is benign!!!  soooo excited.  if i wasnt so sick i would totally go out and celebrate tonight


so what would my perfect celebration be?

1.   awesome friends
2.   tasty drinks,  such as: Chocolate Cake Shot!!!! and margarita of course and...


3.   amazing food, such as:
sushi or tapas!!!
Lobster Roll from Shogun                     Bacon Dates from Viva Madrid

4.  and one of these amazing desserts

5.  oh yea and i like other stuff besides eating! id prolly wanna dye my hair some crazy color that day while watching really terrible reality tv and listen to fun music. but if it was my celebration, id wanna hear mostly songs that i knew so that the drunker i got, i could sing along to them.  got to throw in a french song too since i can always convince myself that
6.  and spend the rest of the night dancing and laughing and being crazy loud
7.  oh and the late late late night part of it would include some type of adventure or quest!

Basically a fun, colorful, tasty day!

whats your perfect celebration?

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