Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today i went to a 6 hour Meditation seminar at UCLA as part of my Self Management Class.

We heard lectures on the scientific benefit of meditation and how it can improve attention, immunity and emotional stability.  It was interesting but im still not buying into the statistical validity of the studies.  She kept talking about how the results were positive but the sample size was too small.  either way, it was interesting, despite the 3 hours of sleep i had the night before   eeeep!   

Then every half hour or soo we did a meditation that helped demonstrate part of the mindfulness that they were teaching.  It was super hard at first to sit still for so long .. and without my cell phone.  If anything, meditation has made me realize how addicted to my phone use i am.  - MTV did a true life episode about this called True Life: I have Digital Drama  which was all about young people being addicted to the internet and their mobile devices.

Anyway, back to meditation.. i ended up doing almost 2 hours total of meditation!  We did Grounding, Mindfulness, Walking Meditation and a guided meditation about spreading love.  It was pretty nice by the end of it.
The speakers also gave us a copy of their book which i got signed:

Here are more links for meditation if your interested: MARC: Mindfulness Awareness Research Center

Oh yea.. and for my photo of the day:

This was the contents of my coat pockets that ive been collecting as my little treasures over the last few weeks.

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