Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Windy times

holy crap it is sooooo windy here.. i wish you could hear it

this is the wind -  woooooaaaasssshhhhwwawaaasshhhaaaaaa
did you hear it?

ok so i just wanted to share a little about my blog since my first post was a whole lotta nothin. (self- interview style)

WhitnaciousH1: Why start a blog?
Whitneyforreals2: Well it all started about a month ago. I was sick at home with the flu and found myself laying in bed and surfing the internet alot. I had never been a big blog follower but im always looking up fun recipes and crazy pictures, and of course being addicted to fb.  so i took som of my sick time to wander around and get thoroughly addicted blogs.  Finally i found myself waking up every morning excited to check peoples new posts for the day and then i thought, alright, i need to make one.

W1: What will you have on your blog?
W2: Daily life (not that i think mine is more interesting), fun finds, thrift store adventures, my art and art i love, fashion stuffs, craft tutorials and of course awesome recipes because im a crazy foodie.   Oh and incase you havent noticed, ive been so spoiled by auto correct that my typing lacks in the capital/apostrophe section.

W1: Have you ever had a blog?
W2: yes. i tried to start one a few years ago for my art but then wandered on to tumblr instead. I treat it more as a website for my work than a blog.  you can find my site here!

W1: How often will you post?
W2: I try try try to post daily, but ive never been able to keep a diary going for more than a week so ill do my best, please dont hate me!

Mostly this is just to keep up with old friends, make new ones, and share awesome crafty/fashion/colorful/food awesomeness!

hope you like it!!!!

love, Whitney

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