Monday, February 28, 2011


my favorite part of my day is late at night, 2/3 o clock, when my mom is downstairs alone cleaning or washing dishes, i can hear her humming and singing to herself.  its not that i like her cleaning its that i love her humming.  its a blissful moment she has where she thinks no one is around and no one hears her.  i asked her about it once, she didnt even know she did it.  it just pours out of her.  its my favorite thing about my mom and she had no idea.  she didnt do it for a year when she got sick.. but recently i could hear her humming again late at night.

im scared of losing my parents.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful thing. I think it is one of life's true joys to have things like that about those you love
