Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My favorite coffee shop!

Ode to Red Hill Coffee Shop

RHCS how i love you so...
let me count the ways
the grease on the potatoes
the grease on the bacon
the grease on the eggs
the grease on my steak'n
You make the rest of my life
feel healthier than before
But no matter what
thursday morning ill come knocking at your door

I love it because its where i see my guys and where my dad and i get to hang out together.  Breakfast with these guys is basically a continuous string of dirty jokes and so much laughter that it becomes contagious.  I love them all so much and im so happy to have adopted them as uncles.

The only thing i love more than the coffee shop is the strawberry patch down the street.  I love it because its soo rare to have anything in southern california closer than 10 min away. so for this to be on my hill is amazing.  plus it looks like its the last thing in rancho untouched by all the overdevelopment and urban sprawl.  it functions humbly year round selling strawberries, and corn. its so simple and so perfect.  I think thats why people like in n out.  There are so many options and constant barrage of advertisements, billboards and flashing signs all around you that to find something quiet and simple becomes beautiful.  this stand is amazing and beautiful and always makes me happy to live where i do.

Here are just some more random shots of the day that i loved

My dad!

Um can this get any cuter? - ill let you guess what it really is

Kirby being awesome

I love that my town has such a silly name -
 how can it not make you smile?

What do you love about your city?

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