Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project 365

so ive been inspired by other blogs recently, especially Kaylah at The Dainty Squid.  I see people doing something call project 365, where they promise to take a photo a day.  I thought this was a great idea, to capture things you might have missed, and get better acquainted with your friend the camera.  So im starting it today.  i will take at least one photo a day and try to post them everyday.

Here are some tips for a successful Project 365 from the Dainty Squid:

Tips for a successful 365 project:

  • Take your camera everywhere! Did you read that..? E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. Everywhere you look there is a photo opportunity! Have a really great meal at your favorite restaurant? Take a picture! Love the way the rain looks hitting your window? Take a picture! That squirrel that always hangs out in your yard? Take his picture! 
  • Tell your friends and family you're doing it. It's a much easier project to complete when you have others supporting you. There were a lot of days I was being lazy and Kevin would ask "Did you take a picture for 365 yet?" They're a great reminder especially in the beginning when forgetting you're doing the project just might happen!
  • Upload daily! So you're posting your 365 project to flickr? Don't get behind on your uploads, you'll regret it later. There were a few times I was late uploading my pictures and some how I messed up counting. It's not that big of a deal because I know I took a picture everyday, but it would have been nice to have them all properly numbered.
  • Keep a list of things you might possibly want to photograph so you never have a day where you say "there's nothing left to take pictures of!" 

So i started yesterday and here are some of my pictures

Flowers in front of my house on our jade plant

i love how perfect and symmetrical they are

 the view from my front door.  i just liked this one blurry cause it was like a dream

 i love mushrooms

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