Sunday, February 20, 2011

things i love

falling asleep.. ya know why?   cause thats when my mind finally calms down enough to hear new ideas.  i always got my most creative ideas just before i was falling asleep.  this is the state we are trying to get to in class during meditation, but so far it only happens as a i drift away to never never land.

i was especially excited last night cause i got ideas for some new art projects, which is awesome and inspiring especially cause i havent made art in a while.  Ive been feeling pretty bad about it but have allowed myself to put art on hold because im in my last semester of school.. you heard me, LAST SEMESTER EVAA!!!   so yea art ideas made me happy

also in other news, more crazy drama!!!  
its so weird, ive had plenty of drama in my life but this is the first time in a while that the drama is not about me - its about 2 other people that somehow ive been caught in the middle of.  it sucks!  cause its not like i did anything fun/bad to cause the drama but i do get all the punishment from it.  ughh..
hopefully itll work out but i have a sinking feeling that this isnt the end of it.

tommorrow should be fun cause im gonna go shopping with faye and her sis for bridal shower stuff - tea cups and such.  and ever since we started planning im all obsessive online about diy decorations etc...  here are some awesome ones :

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